I recently embarked an creating my first GoGrid MyGSI and in my previous post I mentioned that I had an open support case to resolve the fact that I could not create an instance from the image that I saved. After five long days of waiting for some sort of resolution finally the Engineers decide that the image is “unclean” and they can’t debug the issue any further. They did suggest however that I create another MyGSI from scratch. I wasn’t happy to accept this as a one off problem as I still needed to move an instance over from EC2 so I decided to test the system myself. I created another instance without installing any application files or additional components and connected to the Cloud Storage then ran the prep script. Again I got the same result. It booted me out of RDP but did not change to the status which allows saving the image. I submitted another support request and the finally the cause was identified. Assigning an Internal IP Address (which is required...